Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pedro Paramo Part 1

Oh boy! This story is making me go crazy! I can't keep track of all these characters they keep introducing, who's point of view we are in, and whether each passage is from the past or the present. I find the story very interesting and the characters are all very intriguing. I'm still not entirely sure what is going on but from what I can see, the old lady Eduviges can communicate with the dead and is pretty much all-knowing. The main narrator is on a journey to make his father, Pedro, pay for not caring for him and his mother, but Pedro is apparently dead. Then we've got some flashbacks of Pedro's life and some interesting stories from several different characters. I am still reading it so I haven't figured anything out yet but it's really interesting and makes you think as you read, in order to make all the connections between characters. I'm very interested to see how this all turns out in the end because it just sounds like a whole lot of crazy to me at this point!

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